The Learner Profile for International Baccalaureate
1. Reflective: Giving thought to your own
learning and experiences; understanding your strengths and weaknesses
2. Balanced: Physically, intellectually,
emotionally balanced
3. Thinkers: Think critically and creatively;
make reasoned, ethical decisions
4. Risk Takers: Approach unfamiliar situation
with courage and forethought; bravely and articulately defend one’s belief
5. Open-Minded: Understand and appreciate
one’s own and other’s cultures, traditions, perspectives
6. Principled: Act with honesty and integrity;
take responsibility for actions
7. Inquirers: Curious, Independent Learners;
love learning
8. Communicators: Understand and express ideas
confidently and creatively; work effectively and willingly in groups
9. Caring: Shows concerns, compassion, respect
toward others; commit to service
10. Knowledge: Explore ideas, acquire deep knowledge,
and develop understanding
The learner profile is a very important part of
your work in the International Baccalaureate program. Your assignment will be
to pick FOUR profile traits from above that you think are important. After you
choose your traits you will find pictures that identify them. You may use
magazines, the internet, or draw the illustrations yourself. After you find
these you will write a short explanation on how the pictures explain that trait
and why it is important to possess it in school and everyday life.
This mini project will account for 40 points. Your
grade will be based on how your pictures represent the specific learner profile
trait and how you explain why they are important to possess in daily life.
Neatness, spelling, and grammar will be taken into consideration when grading
the following mini project.
Possible Points
Student Assessment
Teacher Assessment
Profile 1 : Picture
represents learner profile
Complete sentence that
explains how you demonstrate this learner profile.
Profile 2 : Picture
represents learner profile
Complete sentence that
explains how you demonstrate this learner profile.
Profile 3 : Picture
represents learner profile
Complete sentence that
explains how you demonstrate this learner profile.
Profile 4 : Picture
represents learner profile
Complete sentence that
explains how you demonstrate this learner profile.
Total 40
Level of
Students can use ideas correctly. Ideas are well developed
and explained using many examples and details. The student can use ideas in a
real life situation.
Students use ideas correctly. Ideas are developed and explained using
some examples and details. The student applies ideas to other situations.
Students use ideas correctly but it is basic. Ideas are
described and make some connections to subject matter.
Students’ use of ideas is not always correct. Basic
description of ideas.
Students’ use of ideas is not correct. Some of the ideas
are described in a basic way.
The student does not reach is not a standard described by
any of the descriptors.