Monday, September 26, 2011

Homework for Monday, September 26th

Homework for Monday, September 26th: Study for Mapping Quiz. The study guide is below.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Homework for Friday, September 23rd.

Homework for Friday, September 23rd:  Technically no homework this weekend but the students were given a study guide for the test we are having on Tuesday, September 27th.

The Study guide follows:
Mapping Quiz Study Guide

1)    Define Globe:

2)    List the seven Continents.

3)    List the four oceans.

4)    What does hemisphere mean?

5)    What does the equator divide the Earth into?

6)    What does the prime meridian divide the Earth into?

The next three questions use the 1st page in the packet to study (Circle 1):

7)    What hemisphere is shown on the globe?

8)    Label the five continents shown.

9)    Label the four oceans.

10)  What are the two names for the lines running north and south on a map?

11)   What are the two names for lines running east or west on a map?

12)   This question is a skill question finding latitude and longitude coordinates.

13)   Create a compass rose.

14)  What are the cardinal directions?

15)  What are the intermediate directions?

Questions 16 – 19 are skill questions finding directions on a map.

20) What does scale do for you on a map?

Questions 21 and 22 are skill questions using scale.

23) Label the Earth’s four hemispheres.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Homework for Thursday, September 22nd

Homework for Thursday, September 22nd:  Time for School Question.

The Students should have taken notes on the Time for School documentary shown during extended homeroom today. Using the notes the students should respond to the following statement:

Reflect on the Time for School documentary. For each of the four students, identify the learner profile that you think best represents them. Give an example from the documentary that supports your choice.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Homework for Wednesday, September 21st

Homework for Wednesday, September 21st:  Get Gradekeeper sheet signed.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Homework for Tuesday, September 20th

Homework for Tuesday, September 20th: Fill in the Chart

Monday, September 19, 2011

Homework for Monday, September 19th

Homework for Monday, September 19th: World Time Zones questions 1-13.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Homework for Friday, September 16th

Homework for Friday, September 16th: There is no Social Studies homework this weekend. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Homework for Wednesday, September 14th & Thursday, September 15th

Homework for Wednesday, September 14th & Thursday September 15th:  IB Learner Profile Mini Project. This is a two day assignment and is due on Friday, September 16th.

The Learner Profile for International Baccalaureate

Try to think of these words as the mission statement in action. I remember these words by spelling out:


1. Reflective: Giving thought to your own learning and experiences; understanding your strengths and weaknesses
2. Balanced: Physically, intellectually, emotionally balanced

3. Thinkers: Think critically and creatively; make reasoned, ethical decisions
4. Risk Takers: Approach unfamiliar situation with courage and forethought; bravely and articulately defend one’s belief
5. Open-Minded: Understand and appreciate one’s own and other’s cultures, traditions, perspectives
6. Principled: Act with honesty and integrity; take responsibility for actions
7. Inquirers: Curious, Independent Learners; love learning
8. Communicators: Understand and express ideas confidently and creatively; work effectively and willingly in groups

9. Caring: Shows concerns, compassion, respect toward others; commit to service
10. Knowledge: Explore ideas, acquire deep knowledge, and develop understanding

The learner profile is a very important part of your work in the International Baccalaureate program. Your assignment will be to pick FOUR profile traits from above that you think are important. After you choose your traits you will find pictures that identify them. You may use magazines, the internet, or draw the illustrations yourself. After you find these you will write a short explanation on how the pictures explain that trait and why it is important to possess it in school and everyday life.

This mini project will account for 40 points. Your grade will be based on how your pictures represent the specific learner profile trait and how you explain why they are important to possess in daily life. Neatness, spelling, and grammar will be taken into consideration when grading the following mini project.

IB Learner Profile Project

Task: Create a poster portraying four of the IB Learner Profile traits.

Rubric:                             Possible         Earned

Learner Profile 1:

Label Learner Profile                1                _____

Illustration                                 4                _____       

Explanation                               5                _____

Learner Profile 2:

Label Learner Profile                1                _____

Illustration                                 4                _____       

Explanation                               5                _____

Learner Profile 3:

Label Learner Profile                1                _____

Illustration                                 4                _____       

Explanation                               5                _____

Learner Profile 4:

Label Learner Profile                1                _____

Illustration                                 4                _____       

Explanation                               5                _____

Total:                                      40              _____       


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Homework for Tuesday, September 13th

Homework for Tuesday, September 13th: Using a Global Grid

Monday, September 12, 2011

Homework for Monday, September 12th

Homework for Monday, September 12th: Understanding Latitude and Longitude

Friday, September 9, 2011

Homework for Friday, September 9th

Homework for Friday, September 9th: There is no social studies homework this weekend. Enjoy!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Homework for Thursday, September 8th

Homework for Thursday, September 8th: Understanding Hemispheres.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Supply List for 6th Graders - Please try to get them as soon as possible!

Rippowam 6th Grade Supply List
This list does not include specials, world language or A/E

General supplies

Pens – blue, black, red
Pencil sharpener
Colored pencils
Loose leaf paper college ruled
Zippered pencil pouch for each binder ( so you will need 3 J)
Box of tissues
3 hole punch
5 (2- pocket)folders
(2) packs of 3x5 index cards
A smile, excitement and a great attitude!!!!!! J

Language Arts

Marble composition book
1 to 1 ½ inch 3 ring binder


2 subject notebook
1 to 1 ½ inch 3 ring binder


(2) 1 subject notebooks (science only)

Social Studies

1 ½ inch 3 ring binder
5 tab dividers

Please do not buy sharpies, mechanical pencils or white out !